Support the film by adding to your art collection!
Buy a piece of art by one of the art+belief artists or order a print of Nathan Florence’s Conversation with the Master and support the film. Send an email here with which art you are interested in.
Pick up is available in Salt Lake, or shipping prices are determined by location and fragility.

Winter Fields, Gary Ernest Smith, oil on canvas, 11” x 14”, $2,800 framed

Fall Barn and Silo, Gary Ernest Smith, oil on canvas, 11” x 14” $2,800 framed

New Born, dry point etching, signed ed.38/50 $1,200, framed

Embryo II, hand colored etching, signed ed.14/50 $1,500 framed

Nathan Florence, Trevor on his Lambretta, charcoal drawing, 8” x 10” $400

Nathan Florence, Wedding Cake Collapse, pencil drawing, 6” x 12” $400

Nathan Florence, Trevor’s Last Tea, charcoal drawing, 8” x 10” $600

Nathan Florence, A Sacrament of Tea and Cookies, charcoal drawing, 11” x 16” $600
Conversation with the Master, click for print options

Nathan Florence, Art+Belief Discussion, charcoal drawing, 11” x 16” $600

Nathan Florence, Nathan Meets Trevor, Age 6, charcoal drawing, 11” x 16” $600

Nathan Florence, “The Cave Studios, charcoal drawing, 11” x 16” $400

Nathan Florence, “art+belief, Trevor”, charcoal drawing, 11” x 16” $750

Neil Hadlock, untitled figure, bronze, h. 6” excluding base, $1500

Dennis Smith, Boxelder, etching, ed. 16/20 17” x 23”(image), $2000 framed

Neil Hadlock, untitled drawing, graphite and wax, 10” x 8”, $750